Time and Space

In a weekly phone meeting with my dearest friends, this last week we talked about the chapter Waste No Time in Sonia Choquette’s book Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose.

What I realized is I have been busier than I would have liked the last few years and I am like a mother bear protecting her cub around my time. She says if you “squander your time” basically you hold yourself back and others too!

I loved that she said, “do not waste other people’s time either. It is emotionally indulgent and disrespectful to break agreements, send mixed messages, arrive late for appointment (or miss them altogether), or be unaccountable.

Several years ago I took the Landmark Forum and Advanced Forum. There I learned how important it is to follow through when I give my word. It is about who I am and how others will see me and whether or not I gain respect and trust from others.

Now, I am not saying I don’t mess up at times. Occasionally, for some odd reason a client appointment disappears from my calendar and I end up unprepared as someone shows up or I call a client because they missed an appointment and I hadn’t recorded they had cancelled.  When this happens, I grovel appropriately and do whatever I need to do to make it right with them.

My time is valuable and so is yours.

My tendency has been, like I said, to mother-bear around protection of my time. I feel my time is being imposed on when I end up on the phone trapped in a circular system pressing buttons to get to a live person when I encounter the occasional mishaps around computer glitches, insurance claims or an issue with godaddy.com. Even so, my new growth goal is when I do get the live voice, to be polite and try not to ruin their day.

Thanks for taking your precious time to read this blog. Next time I will talk about space!

Now it is time to play! 

Time is the only equal opportunity employer there is.
–Cheyenne Mendel