Vibrational Pre-Paving

It’s has been awhile since I blogged here and I want to catch you up. In December I decided to have my thyroid removed. Most of you know that holistic medicine is important to me and I talk about this in my book 12 Weeks to Self-Healing: Transforming Pain through Energy Medicine.

After finding I had a lump in my throat attached to my thyroid, rather than taking the doctor’s suggestion to have surgery I chose having ultrasounds every six months while I worked on self-healing. At first the growth stayed the same, but then another lump began to grow on the other side. The physical risk was that it would grow and wrap around my esophagus. I decided to have my thyroid removed. There was an emotional attachment to keeping all my organs, but this turned out to be a great decision.

My energy is much better and I can shift my weight now by diet and exercise, whereas before it was difficult to affect a change. It took some time to recover and much has happened since then which I’ll share in future blogs.

Today I want to share with you a video I listened to this morning as I walked Domingo along the Spokane river. This is Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. The topic is Weight Loss and Vibrational Pre-Paving which is “Thinking about a positive outcome from the action you’re about to take part in.”  Enjoy!

2 Comments on “Vibrational Pre-Paving”

  1. Thank You so much for this update, Candess! Now I understand what you’ve navigated since we last spoke at your birthday party.  True to your nature, you remain a creative, powerful & pragmatic spirit in accomplishing whatever is on the horizon for you!   I would be happy to provide you with a complimentary reading if you want to receive it. Transiting Saturn in Scorpio turned direct just last night, and is now in the midst of completing a significant aspect to your “T-square” in Aquarius, Taurus and Leo.

    I’m Here For You…Love, Lee

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