The Victim Archetype

In the last blog I gave you  some information about the Saboteur Archetype and encouraged you to use the information to explore within yourself in the privacy of your journal. Today, I am focusing on the Victim Archetype.  This information comes from information from Caroline Myss’ work in her Sacred Contracts book and the classes I took from her on Medical Intuition and Sacred Contracts. I have also added information that I have gained from working as a mental health counselor and chemical dependency professional for over 20 years.

Remember that we all have 4 archetypes that we share. These are the Child, Victim, Saboteur and Prostitute.  Each of these archetypes have a positive side to them and with the Victim it is Self-Esteem. This would be the other side of the victim.  The focus of my newsletter is All Healing is Self-Healing. This is also the focus of my book 12 Weeks to Self-Healing: Evolving Through Chronic Pain.

In the process of self-healing, you have to come to terms with your victim self and move beyond this state of being. You can identify your victim, confront the behavior, love and forgive yourself and bring your energy into present time. In fact, unless you can bring at least 80% of your energy into present time, you will not have the power to self-heal. What do I mean by bringing yourself into present time? Watch your thoughts. Do you go off to the future (which can create anxiety) or drift off to the past (which can cause depression) or are you able to be present in the moment?

I will write more about present time, but for now, enjoy exploring this archetype that can bring you high self-esteem once you embrace this part of yourself and move on!

Victim Archetype

Guardian of Self Esteem

Core issue is whether it is worth giving up your own sense of empowerment to avoid taking responsibility for your independence.

  • When you don’t stand up for yourself after awhile you no longer can tell the difference whether you are being victimized or not; so either you are being victimized and don’t know it or you are not being victimized, but act as if you are.
  • The victim archetype helps you decide what you will or will not do; a guardian of personal boundaries.
  • Lessons associated with the victim archetype demand that you evaluate your relationship to power, especially with people with whom you have control issues and have to set boundaries.
  • Primary objective is to develop self-esteem and personal power.
  • You have contracts with people whose primary purpose is to help you develop yourself-esteem through acts of honesty, integrity, courage, endurance and self-respect.
  • The victim will entice you to feel sorry for yourself.
  • You can act like a victim and give in or call upon your companions and guides for help.
  • Like the lion in the Wizard of Oz, you need to have the courage to look at your victim and make it your ally.
  • Do you victimize yourself in the way you interpret conversations with other people?
  • Does your victim alert you to protect yourself rather than letting people take advantage of you?
  • Does your victim motivate you to be shrewd in the dealings of whatever house it is in?
  • Does your empowered victim allow you to take risks in your life?
  • The victim urges us to act appropriately when we are in danger of being victimized.
  • The victim can alert us to being victimized through passivity and rash or inappropriate actions.
  • It can also alert us to how we victimize others for personal gain.
  • In shadow it may show how we play victim for sympathy or pity.

Bless your heart,


The Saboteur Within – Exploring this Archetype

I was talking with a client earlier this week whose saboteur archetype is in full force and then last night with a friend about relationships after he read my blog on soul mates. According to the teachings of Caroline Myss (I love her work) there are 4 main archetypes we all share. They are the Child, Victim, Saboteur and Prostitute.

I took a class from Caroline many years ago on Sacred Contracts and then taught from her book of the same name. From the information I gained from her and some of my own experiences, I came up with a list of characteristics of these archetypes. Myss explains how each of these four archetypes are like legs of a table in which we build our life. I’ll share the information first about the Saboteur Archetype which Myss refers to as the Guardian of Choice. If you journal, this will give you a great opportunity to explore your inner life journaling from these characteristics.

Core issue of saboteur is fear of inviting changes into your life; changes that shape and deepen your spirit

  • Other side of destruction is rebuilding and rebirth
  • Use saboteur to consciously dismantle areas of your life you need to fix or heal
  • Makes itself known through disruption and resistance
  • Is the mirror that reflects your fears of taking responsibility for yourself and what you create
  • You can silence the saboteur with acts of courage and following your intuition
  • Listen to the small voice and make choices – small ones to begin with
  • Shadow saboteur will play on your fears that you are not good enough to accomplish anything on your own
  • We are afraid that if we are enlightened we will be alone, wont’ be vulnerable, capable of sensual love, so we feed the shadow saboteur, the part of use that is fragmented
  • We fear empowerment because we think it will remove us from the warmth and comfort of loved ones
  • We fear empowerment because we don’t want to be responsible for our actions and therefore consciously or unconsciously encourage our weakness and hold onto our fears; we do want to be around others that are empowered or enlightened though
  • Do you sabotage your personal growth for a little comfort or does your inner saboteur alert you to stay on the Yellow Brick Road
  • Work with your saboteur to see where you may be doing yourself in (what are you doing you know you should not be doing and what you are not doing that you know you should be doing?
  • Have you blown an opportunity to follow a dream?
  • Saboteur is made up of the fears and issues related to low self esteem that cause you to make choices in your life that block your own empowerment and success
  • When you make the saboteur your ally it can call your attention to ways you might be sabotaged or sabotage yourself and then you can make other choices The intellect of the scarecrow can work with your saboteur to alert you to when you are doing yourself in

Loving Spokane!

During the blogging workshop this morning put on by Jeff Gish and Pia Hallenberg Christensen, I met a young man who was new to Spokane. We chatted about what brought him here and I thought about having lived in Spokane all my life. I remember saying when I left, check out the Spokane River.













When I think about Spokane, what I love is the river.

I’ve walked the Spokane River for nearly 30 years now.  Originally I walked near Gonzaga University and now in Peaceful Valley where I live.

Domingo, my Cairn terrier mix and I love the walk to People’s Park. We walk across the Sanifer Bridge and I delight in feeling the water mist up on my skin.  A cacophony of birds lead us deeper in the park where Latah Creek intersects with the Spokane River.  The creek, also known as Hangman Creek changes seasonally from being like a rolling river, to a frozen lake and in late summer to a few puddles you can walk across. My favorite time is in the early spring when the frozen creek breaks and 6-inch ice chucks feed the river.

The Spokane River is a photographer’s dream!

Latah, or Hangman Creek is an area where the Spokane Indians used to camp. My friends, Bill Kostelec, The Blue Ribbon Tea Company wrote a song, The Pride of Vinegar Flats about this.

Enough writing, we’re going for a walk!

What is DNA Activation?

You may wonder about DNA Activation and what it is and what happens when you get your DNA activated. I liken it to a spiritual immune builder. We have 2 strands of DNA in our physical body and up to 144 strands in our etheric body. I originally activated to 12 strands of DNA, but one day when I was in my office with a client, we simultaneously felt some energy coming down from the top of our heads. we looked at each other and said together, “We just got activated to 144 strands of DNA!” I was surprised and later called Diane Stein, whom I had been working with after connecting with the Lords of Karma. She checked in with her guides and said yes, that is correct.

Now, I tend to be grounded, have my feet on the ground, have a degree in Counseling Psychology from Gonzaga University and a doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy from American Pacific University, but I cannot help it  – when something spiritual happens, it happens and I follow my path and my guidance. Although many people will not believe something until it is proven with science, I am a big believer of personal experience as well. In fact, science, which I love is finally catching up with what we have known intuitively for many years. I find I am usually many years ahead, and hope that the understanding of the etheric field and DNA strands becoming activated will be main stream information in the next few years.

At this time, it is important for me to assist others in becoming activated. Since my work with the Lords of Karma, DNA Activation and the Essential Energy Balancing workshops I have facilitated, my life has been incredible.  I am able to manifest easily and it is much easier to move from negativity or fear into peace, love and forgiveness.

The DNA Activation and Essential Energy Balancing Workshops are not magic, but they do clear the karma and bring more Light into your body so that you can do the daily work of changing behaviors, practicing love and kindness, and finding joy and peace.

Matching Energy

When I was taking classes in Meditation and Healing at the Church of the Divine Man many years ago, they taught about “matching” other people’s energy. An example is, if you are around someone who is angry, you may match him or her and become angry. When you are around someone peaceful, you can match him or her and become peaceful. I have been teaching this in my counseling practice for years and helped clients understand they can change how they feel by becoming aware and making choices.

I remember reading a study in one of my books (which I will find to update this blog) that had three plants. One plant was the control and the plant was watered without any variables. The second plant was watered with water where someone who was very happy and positive held the water for a period of time and the third plant was watered with water that was held for a period of time by someone who was clinically depressed. Of course, the result was the plant watered by the person who was happy grew the most; the control the second and the plant watered by the person who was depressed had stunted growth.

Physics has taught us that everything is energy, including humans, and it makes sense we affect each other in subtle and powerful ways.  When I feel blue, a little grumpy, I will put on a CD by someone like Wayne Dyer to raise my mood, to shift my energy. Conversely, when I binge on music from my childhood, such as listening to Sunday Morning Coming Down, I have to pick myself up off the floor!

What inspired me to write this blog is I have been promoting a program called Habit of Attraction developed by Robert Evans. I have put it on FB, Twitter, Launchpad, sent emails and have become excited and energized about this. This morning I thought I may have gone overboard with promotion and sat to figure out what it is about this that “hooks” me.

I became acquainted with Robert when I was in the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. In that program I set up my free membership website, which has become a success for my book 12 Weeks to Self-Healing: The Gift of Pain. Later, I took his Habit of Attraction course and exceeded my financial goal for the year. Currently, I am in the Write Your Mini-book in 7 Days Course and plan to launch my Less is More: Slowing Down in an Over-stimulating World book before the end of the year.

What happens is I get energized and match his energy when I am in programs with him. I see that his working with others who also are spreading messages of love, light, and abundance also energizes him.  In his programs, I have been honored to be on phone calls with people I admire like Neale Donald Walsh, the author of Conversations with God and with James Twyman who I admire for this work as a Peace Troubadour.

My focus in my work for years has been to empower others to access their Essence, to realize who they truly are and to manifest their dreams in their lives. This is the work I see Robert Evans doing and I am focused, energized, and motivated by his work. That’s my answer. That is why I am doing this promotion. Now, if you wonder, yes, I have connected with him in an affiliate program. This is one way I can stay connected to this powerful, manifesting energy.

Please take some time to think about who energizes you.

Who helps you become your better Self. Who leads the way and makes it easier for you to excel and manifest your dreams. Think about who it is that drains your energy and leaves you feeling bad about yourself. Sometimes we can’t change who we are around, but we can use those who are motivating and inspiring to bring us back into balance.

Listening to my body at the Ashram!

The last 10 days of July I had an incredible experience at the Yasodhara Ashram
in beautiful British Columbia. I was aware of this Ashram because of the Radha
Yoga Center in Spokane where I have taken yoga and dream classes for several

You may be aware of my experience with adrenal fatigue in 2008
and 2009. At the retreat one day our focus was on Relaxation and Rest. What
happened for me was I realized (again) I didn’t know how to rest. Previously, I
would get tired and use caffeine and sugar to push through. We experienced
Hidden Language Yoga and it was wonderful. After the pose, we journaled. First
we did the Bridge and Tranquility Poses to become aware of our spine. Then we
did the Cobra. We dialogued with ourselves after each pose. The question I
journaled with was “What do I surrender to?” The answer could be another blog or
newsletter. For me my back clearly disclosed that it needed further support and
in the cobra I understood my abdomen needs to support my back. This will
alleviate the back twinges I get occasionally.

Also, I contemplated the
relationship between Joy and Surrender. I clearly understood I fight with mySelf
inwardly by choosing confusion and indecision rather than surrendering and
moving into a state of wait. I fight outwardly by resisting rather than
accepting and letting life unfold. When I surrender, there is no struggle and I
feel JOY!

Class focused on rest and we did some relaxation and
visualization exercises. It was delightful. During lunch and on our break we
were asked to be in silence. I spend a lot of time alone, but I became aware of
how much rest I get when I am in conscious silence.


I spent time on the beach of Kootenay Lake and had quite a walk back up to my room in Saraswati. As
I began the journey back I decided to bring rest into my life. I will write more
about this when I write and share my Karma Yoga experience. On the way back I
decided to stop to rest after a number of steps. I looked at the flowers, the
trees, the birds, the cherries and the apples on each rest stop. When I got to
the steps I decided to take 10 steps and rest, 10 steps and rest. It was an
incredible experience. Whenever I stopped, the colors were so much more grand!

My desire for the retreat was rest. Now I am rested, have learned
incredible tools and am more conscious of my life and my relationship with the

Bless your heart, Candess